Losing a Job

Hi. If you are reading this, the very first thing I want to say to you is, you are an awesome human, not defined by a badge or a title. I’m sorry for whatever brought you here, but I’m glad you came. Hopefully my writing helps you, or gives you just a shred of hope for what to do next. You are loved. You are not alone. You did not lose value because someone else couldn’t see it. Read that again until you believe it.

Love is Complicated

Part of stepping outside your comfort zone is realizing that you don’t know everything. In particular, love is such a dynamic and complicated science that we really can’t predict it. There are so many factors that affect the interaction of two people – factors such as childhood issues, daddy issues, distance, trust, personality, communication, availability, priorities, attractiveness, self-esteem, and faithfulness, to name a few. That doesn’t even take into account where you live and who is available to you, the activities you engage in, and the myriad of factors that influences who we meet and when. So, it’s nice to hear some experts, if anyone can be an expert in love. . . . Read More



We can’t talk about stretching outside your comfort zone without mentioning adaptability. Just as a person might bundle up when moving from California to Alaska, outside influences require you to make some internal changes. An easy example is generational gaps in the work force. Even though texting has become a perfectly acceptable way to communicate in this day and age, it is not always appropriate. If I text my coworker that is on board with communicating that way, that is great. If I text a coworker that is not a fan of texting, I’m silently demanding that they use my mode of communication. . . . Read More

Try Something New – Ziplining

I am afraid of heights. Well, tangible heights. If I think I actually have a chance of falling, then it bothers me. Airplanes? The odds are pretty slim so I have no problem flying! Weird? Sure, but aren’t all fears irrational?

So, the opportunity to go ziplining presented itself and I thought, what a great way to have fun with friends and try something new. . . Read More

Phenomenal Life-Changing Post

The problem with change is that we want dramatic [unrealistic] results. We want to go to the gym on Monday and be 3 sizes down by Friday, or at least in 2 weeks before the beach trip. It is painful to work hard and not see a noticeable change in a matter of weeks or months. Then we become demotivated and give up, never realizing our full potential. Secondly, we don’t really want to change. We say we want to change, but we haven’t actually changed anything. . . Read More