Losing a Job

Hi. If you are reading this, the very first thing I want to say to you is, you are an awesome human, not defined by a badge or a title. I’m sorry for whatever brought you here, but I’m glad you came. Hopefully my writing helps you, or gives you just a shred of hope for what to do next. You are loved. You are not alone. You did not lose value because someone else couldn’t see it. Read that again until you believe it.

Clarify Confusion

IWow. Mic DROP. It seems so obvious, but I finally get it. A million things became crystal clear. Why do we allow ourselves to live in a state of confusion? When you really want something, you’d rather assume “if it’s not a no, it’s a yes.” That leaves hope and room for things to go your way. To flip it – “if it’s not a resounding yes, it’s a no,” can be hurtful. Why assume rejection if there’s a 1% chance? But living in the 1% is a constant state of not knowing, and that is almost worse than being rejected. As the Queen of the Silver Lining Scenario though, this is very hard to reconcile. . . . Read More

Forward Reflections

So I began thinking of my post from 2018, No New Friends. If you know me in real life, even the title is ironic. When I wrote the post, I was tired of fake friends, shallow friendships, and putting energy into new friends or people of interest, that would flake or ghost, or just be disingenuous. . . . Read More