My review of The Woobles Crochet Kit

Well, well, well. I guess it was time. I’ve seen The Woobles on SharkTank and every ad imaginable on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. I was always interested in trying it, but just hadn’t gotten around to it. I recently had 2 friends who bought them and I heard nothing but good reviews, so I decided […]


Every year I come up with some sort of challenge for myself. This is my way to always push myself to try new things or try the same thing differently. Past challenges have included:  Wearing everything I own, decluttering, trying a movie/tv show I didn’t think I would like, listening to a genre of music […]

Hotel Life

I don’t know about you, but getting back into work travel has been quite the adjustment. I am totally rusty. Even the rules at the airport – do we still have to put the liquids in the little baggy? Well, I recently started traveling for work again and I had some tips that I had […]

First Time Camping

Well, I did it. I went camping. Like, slept-in-a-tent-outside-in-the-woods camping. I might have done that once when I was 8 or so at camp, but never as an adult. Friends have mentioned or invited me camping before, but when you’ve never done it, it sounds so daunting and scary. So, this is for all those people who are thinking about it, in excruciating detail, so that you can be super chill and say yes to your experienced camping friends. Embedded with tales of my trip, sit back and relax . . . Read More

My trip to Colombia – Part 2

One of the other girls had found a walking tour with a company called “Beyond Colombia.” They offer free walking tours of Cartagena in English and Spanish. The next English tour was at 4pm. From my hotel I mapped the location to the big statue of Camellón de los Mártires Square. Lucky for me, it wasn’t that far away, literally across the park. I wrote down how to get there and planned it in my head. Then I ventured out. I don’t like to hold my map or phone (screams Tourist) so I memorized how to get there and acted like I was a local. . . . Read More

My trip to Colombia – Part 1

I recently traveled to South America for the first time, visiting the country of Colombia (no “u”). It was absolutely beautiful. I had an amazing time. Everyone told me to be careful. For the record, you should always be careful, no matter where you go. If you are thinking of traveling to South America, or to Colombia specifically, this post is for you. I’ll share some tips and tricks, along with the usual fun-filled adventures. Here’s my story. . . . Read More

AirBnb Explained

Traveling is so much fun, but it can be very expensive with hotel prices. Nowadays, I’m sure you have heard people talking about staying at an AirBnB, coined after the term Bed & Breakfast, but maybe you didn’t know what that actually meant. Well, fear not! I am going to share my experiences and what I think you might expect while staying at an AirBnB. This is not a review of the AirBnb website or business, but rather an informative article about the AirBnb process. I will forego discussion about ethics, gentrification, and the effects of rent/mortgages surrounding these types of establishments, specifically in urban areas. I’m sure you can find additional articles on that if you so choose. So, sticking to the topic, we will just dig right in. At the time of this article, I had stayed in 8 different AirBnBs (6 different cities, 2 different countries). . . . Read More

Start Your Own Business

Stepping out of your comfort zone is not only about trying new things that scare you, but also equipping yourself with the tools to make new and exciting decisions. I am a big proponent of sharing knowledge to help others jump out of their fishbowls [when they are ready]. Are you interested in starting your own business? Overwhelmed with where to start? I conversed with Chris Maguire, owner of Tubby Robot, a recently opened ice cream parlor located in Philadelphia’s Manayunk section, and he gave us a nice overview of how that process looks.

Wow, so you are opening up an ice cream parlor! what spawned that idea?
I’ve loved ice cream my entire life, and I started making my own shortly after receiving an ice cream maker as a wedding gift. Our first batch came out rather underwhelming – it was too icy, poorly flavored, and generally speaking – an utter abomination. Not being satisfied with failure, I stubbornly iterated for months until I was making something I was proud to share with others. Years later, I found myself living in a wonderful neighborhood (Manayunk) with a desire to open a brick and mortar business nearby. At that point, building an ice cream parlor was the only option that made sense. . . . Read More


Did I get your attention? Good. Look, we work, we might go to school, we pay our bills and any debts, and we try to save, but sometimes it’s just not enough. Maybe you want to supplement your income, but you have no time for a second (or third) job. Or maybe you have family members to take care of and can’t leave them for any more time. Maybe you like your current lifestyle, but could use some extra cash to go on a trip or save for retirement or to attend an exotic wedding. Whatever your reason, I think most people can agree, free money is definitely something we can get down with.

I sat down with a friend of mine to learn all about the world of COUPONING. She is a pro and I am really interested in how I can get started.

Here we go . . . Read More

Love is Complicated

Part of stepping outside your comfort zone is realizing that you don’t know everything. In particular, love is such a dynamic and complicated science that we really can’t predict it. There are so many factors that affect the interaction of two people – factors such as childhood issues, daddy issues, distance, trust, personality, communication, availability, priorities, attractiveness, self-esteem, and faithfulness, to name a few. That doesn’t even take into account where you live and who is available to you, the activities you engage in, and the myriad of factors that influences who we meet and when. So, it’s nice to hear some experts, if anyone can be an expert in love. . . . Read More