Podcast Vibes

I was on a podcast y’all!!!
I’ve never been one to do a YouTube video or podcast. Videos just seem so extra, having to do your hair and makeup for every recording. And radio, I just think I have been self-conscious of my radio voice. It’s always been a tiny fear of mine. . . Adam and his friend, Reuben, have this podcast, Guys Who Cry, and they talk about everyday topics, but with a safe emotional space attached. Pretty much fighting the stereotype that straight men can’t be connected to their emotions. I can dig it . . . Read More

Clarify Confusion

IWow. Mic DROP. It seems so obvious, but I finally get it. A million things became crystal clear. Why do we allow ourselves to live in a state of confusion? When you really want something, you’d rather assume “if it’s not a no, it’s a yes.” That leaves hope and room for things to go your way. To flip it – “if it’s not a resounding yes, it’s a no,” can be hurtful. Why assume rejection if there’s a 1% chance? But living in the 1% is a constant state of not knowing, and that is almost worse than being rejected. As the Queen of the Silver Lining Scenario though, this is very hard to reconcile. . . . Read More

First Time Camping

Well, I did it. I went camping. Like, slept-in-a-tent-outside-in-the-woods camping. I might have done that once when I was 8 or so at camp, but never as an adult. Friends have mentioned or invited me camping before, but when you’ve never done it, it sounds so daunting and scary. So, this is for all those people who are thinking about it, in excruciating detail, so that you can be super chill and say yes to your experienced camping friends. Embedded with tales of my trip, sit back and relax . . . Read More

Forward Reflections

So I began thinking of my post from 2018, No New Friends. If you know me in real life, even the title is ironic. When I wrote the post, I was tired of fake friends, shallow friendships, and putting energy into new friends or people of interest, that would flake or ghost, or just be disingenuous. . . . Read More

Book Review: More Than Enough

What a story!! This is a memoir-type book, about growing up Black in America. Elaine Welteroth is half Black, half German, and gives accounts of the many trials and tribulations she had to ordeal because of her brown skin. She hit the nail on the head. Many of the experiences she described are things to which most Black people in America can relate.
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Don’t Change the Subject

Race in the United States of America – one of the most uncomfortable topics we avoid talking about. As a Black person, it is often tiring to answer questions or have to defend something you know exists. Blending into a society that wasn’t built for you. Demanding a seat at the table, knowing full well your voice isn’t always wanted. The tireless effort of constantly having to validate your existence. Meanwhile, you see others go through the same interviews, hang out in the same crowds, and not have to endure what you have to endure. This doublethink you must do Every. Single. Day. . . . Read More

Corona Perspectives

Today is May 2, 2020. I’ve been quarantined at home for 6 weeks, along with much of the state and country (USA) due to COVID-19, also called the Corona virus. I could list a laundry list of things I’m not allowed to do anymore, but instead, I want us to take a moment and think of the perspectives of others and what they may be going through. I remember living through 9/11 and it was so surreal, the country was in shock, questioning if it really happened or if we were just delayed in waking up from a horrible dream? Today seems much like movies and novels that were imagined decades ago, and so it does seem surreal, but this is our new reality. . . . Read More

My trip to Colombia – Part 2

One of the other girls had found a walking tour with a company called “Beyond Colombia.” They offer free walking tours of Cartagena in English and Spanish. The next English tour was at 4pm. From my hotel I mapped the location to the big statue of Camellón de los Mártires Square. Lucky for me, it wasn’t that far away, literally across the park. I wrote down how to get there and planned it in my head. Then I ventured out. I don’t like to hold my map or phone (screams Tourist) so I memorized how to get there and acted like I was a local. . . . Read More

Just Do It!

So here we are, at the start of a new year (let’t not talk decades just because it ends in a 0; unnecessary added pressure). And maybe you want to start your new year’s resolutions. Maybe you “don’t make resolutions” or maybe you do it later – I usually review life goals around Lent. At some point in your life (I hope), you are making your own personal goals.
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