Losing a Job

Hi. If you are reading this, the very first thing I want to say to you is, you are an awesome human, not defined by a badge or a title. I’m sorry for whatever brought you here, but I’m glad you came. Hopefully my writing helps you, or gives you just a shred of hope for what to do next. You are loved. You are not alone. You did not lose value because someone else couldn’t see it. Read that again until you believe it.

Surprise Trip – Part 4

It has been so much fun sharing my adventure with you. If you are just tuning in, this is the 4th and last part of a series where I have described my surprise trip with Pack Up & Go. This post will be about my reflections on the whole experience. This post is not sponsored. […]

Surprise Trip – Part 2

Welcome, welcome, welcome!!! I hope you are enjoying this story!! If you are just tuning it, I am going through the details of my Pack Up & Go Surprise Trip. This post is not sponsored. **********************   Please read Part 1 before proceeding further   ********************** We booked our trip about 2 months before travel. So it […]

Surprise Trip – Part 1

Hi there. I want to give you the details of one of my craziest adventures yet. I took a surprise trip. What is that? It’s a trip where you don’t know where you are going, what you are doing, where you are staying, and you are fully surprised. Sounds crazy, right? Well, please enjoy the journey with me. This adventure is broken up into 4 parts. First we will discuss how in the world you can book a surprise adventure, and some of the details that went into planning. Part 2 will be about preparing for the trip, backing, and just general feelings. In Part 3 you will learn the location. And Part 4 will be my overall impressions.

Podcast Vibes

I was on a podcast y’all!!!
I’ve never been one to do a YouTube video or podcast. Videos just seem so extra, having to do your hair and makeup for every recording. And radio, I just think I have been self-conscious of my radio voice. It’s always been a tiny fear of mine. . . Adam and his friend, Reuben, have this podcast, Guys Who Cry, and they talk about everyday topics, but with a safe emotional space attached. Pretty much fighting the stereotype that straight men can’t be connected to their emotions. I can dig it . . . Read More

First Time Camping

Well, I did it. I went camping. Like, slept-in-a-tent-outside-in-the-woods camping. I might have done that once when I was 8 or so at camp, but never as an adult. Friends have mentioned or invited me camping before, but when you’ve never done it, it sounds so daunting and scary. So, this is for all those people who are thinking about it, in excruciating detail, so that you can be super chill and say yes to your experienced camping friends. Embedded with tales of my trip, sit back and relax . . . Read More

Forward Reflections

So I began thinking of my post from 2018, No New Friends. If you know me in real life, even the title is ironic. When I wrote the post, I was tired of fake friends, shallow friendships, and putting energy into new friends or people of interest, that would flake or ghost, or just be disingenuous. . . . Read More

Accepting Imperfection

It’s nearly March. Perhaps you are looking at your New Years’ Resolutions and giving yourself the side eye that more of it isn’t complete or that you are already tired of going to the gym and eating healthy. Perhaps you don’t make resolutions on January 1st; maybe you have goals that you are working on – I know I do. The thing that makes or breaks our ability to succeed is fear. Fear stops us from even trying. . . . Read More